New Niche Loan Products!

New Niche Loan Products!
• Transferred appraisals okay!
• Unpermitted additions (even with kitchens)
• Follow the AUS FINDINGS… one year tax returns or bank statements, etc…
• LP Blended Ratios OKAY
• Same low rate for DU and LP
• PIW allowed
• Freddie Mac Open Access Program 125% LTV/Unlimited CLTV no DTI restrictions!
• DU Refi Plus program
• Pre-locks okay
• TBD’s okay – Call me first.
• We will consider OT/Bonus 12-24 months
• Can get a supplement for disputed accounts without completely removing from credit; do not have to rerun
• We will consider not counting less than 10 months payments on installment debt
• DU; no minimum down payment from borrower even over 80% LTV (needs to meet mi guides)
• Good Neighbor Program Available in revitalization areas dictated by HUD

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